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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Interesting tricks for grilling lovers to stay away from cancer.

Many people have probably heard it. Or you already know that burnt parts of food, especially meat that has been cooked by grilling, contain carcinogenic substances. Therefore, we should not eat burnt, crispy, black food into the body. Some families go so far as to remove the skin. or

Applying sunscreen and skin health

Applying sunscreen is a way to help care for your skin and protect it from harmful rays from the hot sun. which can be the cause of skin health symptoms, whether Sunburn symptoms to skin cancer Using sunscreen that contains substances that have the ability to block both UVA and UVB

Food, Help Build Muscle Naturally. 

Protein is an important nutrient for the body. Because it consists of many types of amino acids arranged together. which helps in Build Muscle and our organ tissues. Although drinking Protein Shakes is one way to increase the amount of protein in our body, But that doesn’t mean we have

Get to know artificial tears Help for dry eyes.

Currently, it is found that there is an increasing number of people suffering from dry eyes problems. This is caused by the habit of using the eyes too much and causing dry eyes, such as staring at a computer screen. or mobile phone screen for a long